Trying to complete a videoask that's been shared with you but need a bit of extra guidance? This brief how-to article should help get you started!
VideoAsk is a video form software that allows the person who created the form and the person responding to the form to get face-to-face using asynchronous video (so say goodbye to boring, impersonal forms).
Note: We've written this article for people who need help responding to a videoask. If you're looking for help building a videoask, check out our article on how to create your first videoask.
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Answering your first videoask
Videoasks can be customized in many different ways and the interface varies slightly from desktop to mobile view.
However, the basic respondent flow remains more or less the same, no matter how the video form has been set up.
Open the videoask and click the play button.
If you're viewing the videoask on your desktop, it'll probably look something like this:
If you're viewing it on a mobile device, the answer types will be stacked over the video like this:
The options you have to answer or progress to the next step in the videoask will depend on the answer type the videoask creator has chosen for that step of their videoask.
In the example below, we can choose to answer by video, audio, or text. We want to respond via video, so we'll click the Video option.
Click the red record button and get camera-ready!
š”Tip: Toggle on the Notes option to jot down what you want to say in your response. Your notes won't be visible to the receiver of your reply.
An on-screen countdown will let you know how long you have left for your reply.
š”Tip: When answering by video, try to look directly at the camera.
When you've finished, hit the stop button.
š”Pro tip: You can hit the space bar to start and stop recording. That way you can keep looking directly at the camera from start to finish.
At this point, you'll be asked if you're happy with your recording; if you'd like to have another go at it, click No. If you're ready to send it, click Yes.
š” Tip: We recommend watching your video before sending it to check your camera and microphone were working well during recording and that you can see and hear yourself clearly! To do this, click the play button on the preview video.
You can re-record your video as many times as you like before submitting it, but we recommend keeping it as natural as possible and not worrying too much about a few umms and ahhhs here and there!
If you answer by audio, follow the above steps but instead of recording with your camera, just make sure to speak clearly.
š”Tip: You can also share a recording of your screen directly from VideoAsk, find out more here!
Depending on how the form has been created, you'll either be taken to the next step in the videoask, redirected to a webpage, or taken to an end screen.
Note: You won't always be required to respond with video, audio, or text. It all depends on the answer type the form creator has chosen for a particular step. Find out more about the different answer types available in VideoAsk.
I only have the option to respond with text or audio but I want to respond with video. What's going on?
Videoask creators choose an answer type for every videoask step they create. One of these answer types is Open Ended, which by default allows respondents to reply by video, audio, or text.
However, videoask creators can customize their settings to allow just one, or, a combination of these options. This means that as a respondent you might not always have the option to choose between video, audio, or text for Open Ended answer-type questions.
I've been asked to upload a file but it doesn't work. Can you help?
Most file types are supported, but the maximum file size is 10 MB. If you're still having trouble uploading a file that is under 10MB, please reach out to us so we can look into the issue further for you. You can contact us by clicking on the Contact Support
button at the bottom of this article.
I need to go back to a previous step but I don't see a back button. Where is it?
VideoAsk doesn't have a back button built into the platform. You can re-record your video as many times as you like before submitting it, but once you confirm you're happy with it, your answer will be sent and there's no going back.
The videoask I'm trying to complete won't load. What shall I do?
This could be due to a number of factors. We recommend trying the following:
- Make sure you're using the most up-to-date version of your browser
- Clear your cache and cookies
- Try opening the videoask in a different browser (VideoAsk doesn't support Internet Explorer)
If you're still having issues, we recommend reaching out to the company or person who shared the videoask with you to see if there is an issue with the videoask itself.
I started answering a videoask but didn't finish. It doesn't look like my progress was saved. How can I fix this?
If you start answering a videoask but don't complete it, it will time out after about an hour. We recommend making sure you have plenty of time and are distraction-free before responding to a videoask.
If the videoask has timed out or you clicked out of the browser before completing it, any answers to steps you already completed will have been submitted to the videoask creator, but your place won't have been saved. In this case, you'll have to go from the start of the videoask again.
Do I need a VideoAsk account to reply to a videoask that's been shared with me?
No. You can respond to videoasks without creating a VideoAsk account.